coming events
silent meditation – april to october in diana tempel on the first monday of the month, 7pm
on hold
on hold
meditation and kirtan day
on hold
videoclips and pictures from past events
june 2016: summer solstice event in munich
Silent meditation – Chanting with Philipp Stegmüller – 108 times Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with Britta Oehler
Open gathering on June 21st 2016 in the Diana Temple in Hofgarten
may 2016: 1. night of song at the nature community in schönsee, oberpfalz
october 2015: 1. munich eye contact experiment
june 2014: 1. munich love mob
september 2013: be the peace event
september 2013: MedMob and dancing in the park
september 2013: medmob and dancing in the park
may 2013: 3. munich soundmob
october 2012: 2. Munich SoundMob
Anugraha Hamblin – Chanting
Center of the Golden One, Taufkirchen – Meditation and Support
Cornelia Leisch – Lachyoga
Karin Magnus – Percussion
Madhuri Kalyan – Art of Living Yoga
Mahendra Myshkin – Initialising, Chanting, Filming, Web
Manuela Zapf – Augenkontakt Experiment
Martin Hofmann – Resonanz Zentrum
Philipp Stegmüller – Mantra Singing
Sakshi Widl – Native Blue Spirit
Siri Kirpal – Kundalini Yoga
Vera Griebert-Schröder –
Wolfgang Friederich – Klangheilzentrum München
Wacha Nabi –